Trademark Registration

What is a Trademark?

As we know, a trademark is an intangible asset in branding that provides exclusive rights by legally preventing others from imitating a design, symbol or a logo used by a certain business. This ensures protection to businesses to sustain the uniqueness and the customers in brand loyalty. As we know, a trademark is an intangible asset in branding that provides exclusive rights by legally preventing others from imitating a design, symbol or a logo used by a certain business. This ensures protection to businesses to sustain the uniqueness and the customers in brand loyalty. 

Why is Trademark Registration Important?

Registering your trademark is crucial because it helps protect your brand’s identity, builds trust with customers, and ensures your business stands out in a crowded market.

  • Legal Protection: A trademark protects your brand from being copied or used by others without permission, which helps keep your business unique.
  • Trademark Search: Doing a trademark search ensures that your brand name or logo is original and hasn’t been taken by someone else.
  • Online Registration: Registering your trademark online gives your brand legal protection in India and other countries.
  • Valuable Asset: A trademark becomes a valuable asset for your business, helping build your reputation and brand recognition.
  • Attract Customers: A registered trademark helps make your brand easily recognizable, drawing in both loyal and new customers.
  • Legal Action: If someone tries to use your trademark without permission, you have the right to take legal action to stop them.
  • Renewal: A trademark lasts for ten years and can be renewed, giving your brand long-term protection.
  • Grow Your Business: A trademark helps grow your business by making your brand stand out, increasing its value over time.
  • Global Protection: You can register your trademark internationally to protect your brand in other countries as well.


Apply for Trademark REGISTRATION

R Malhotra & Associates

R Malhotra & Associates a Company Secretaries firm rendering comprehensive professional services which include audit and assurance, company Audit, Business incorporation, statutory registrations & compliance.

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