Trademark Renewal
Trademark Renewal
A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, colour combination, sound or even smell.
A registered trademark has 10 years of validity. After that it needs renewal. You do not need to worry if you forget to renew it as you will receive a prior notice at your registered office regarding the renewal of your trademark. Usually, companies forget to renew their trademark. So, the Registrar informs them regarding the same 6 months before expiration. Still, if there is no action from your side, then Registrar issues a statement which says that your trademark would be removed from the Trade Mark Journal.
Trademark Renewal Process
- The application of renewal is made in form TM-12
- The application can be made by either registered owner of the trademark or an agent authorised by him.
- It is very important that you take the help of a professional to file for renewal of a trademark application to ensure that the mark is well protected. This is because you may want to broaden the scope of protection. After all, if your brand has survived 10 years, it’s likely that it would have outgrown the classes you had first registered it under.
- Filing a trademark renewal application extends protection by another 10 years. The trademark registrations are valid for another 10 years and must be renewed again before expiry.
Apply for Trademark Renewal
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